While the world may be slowly moving away from central techniques, they still remain a cornerstone of modern pediatric regional anesthesia practice. Underpinned by the humble caudal, neuraxial techniques offer a powerful, versatile, low-tech approach at analgesia that arguably should always have a spot in the armamentarium.
Adapted from “Walker, B.J., Long, J.B., Sathyamoorthy, M., Birstler, J., Wolf, C., Bosenberg, A.T., Flack, S.H., Krane, E.J., Sethna, N.F., Suresh, S. and Taenzer, A.H., 2018. Complications in pediatric regional anesthesia: an analysis of more than 100,000 blocks from the pediatric regional anesthesia network. Anesthesiology, 129(4), pp.721-732.”